Chieftan- Our very own Myrrin!
Elder's Council- The senior officers. Chieftan's collective right hand. these are the people for asking questions.
High Priest/ess- Mid-Rank Officer
Warchief- Creates Guild runs and raids. Want something run, go to these people.
Flaith- Junior Occifer
Clansmen- Guidlies who have proven their worth.
Clan Cousin- Guildies.
Initiate- The starting rank. Be nice to these guys, we were all Initiates at one time!
Any promotions of Warchief Updward are to go through Myrrin before being approved!
You can be promoted for: Helping Guildies, Adding to GB, Being online
You can be demoted for: Guild Theft, Rude Conduct.
Please; If you are going away for a time, tell us!